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Jae Star began playing guitar as an awkward 12 year old kid alone in his room. Barely holding up a broken gibson les paul knockoff to mutter his way through Nirvana's "Polly".
He was always interested in music, "starting" various "bands" to no avail, playing white stripes covers with friends to fulfill his dream of being some sort of rockstar.
This continued until 2022, when he was gifted a beat up karaoke machine at random. This set off a chain reaction in Jae's brain to learn as much as he could to create as much as he could....


But then disaster struck! The mic input exploded pushing Jae's eyes into his head, then into his brain. Now, forced to face the horrors of his mind, Jae began ascending to the 7th gate of heaven, where he was stuck by a star. A star covered in gold, metaphorical justice to punish Jae for his glutton. As he would consistently eat the small bits of dust that fell off his drumkit that he kept in his room because he had zero respect for his roommates.

roommates that are no longer around due to a space laser shot down by Glorp, an extra terrestrial ex store manager from Jae's day job. That enacted intergalactic violence to get back at Jae for reporting him to corporate, for not having opposable thumbs. Some say that was to far but I- are you still reading this? If you are you can probably assume I in fact did NOT get almost assassinated by an intergalactic being. You're also probably wondering "wait, you made this entire website and don't have managment, why are you referring to yourself in third person?".
Well.....that's because i'm a raging narcissist, and in all honestly I think that the mysticism surrounding older aged musicians is missing. It would make me a bit lame to explain my entire life and motivation in great detail...almost as lame as referring to yourself in the third person.

If you have a question for me just write it in this box and make a Q&A!

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